Weekly Announcements



FALL SMALL GROUP: Join us for our Fall Small Group as we explore
Adam Hamilton's Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White.
We will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM.

FALL CONFIRMATION CLASSES: If you, or someone you know,
might be interested in this year’s confirmation classes,
please let Pastor Caitlyn know!

ALL SAINTS DAY will be observed on Sunday, November 3rd this year. We will honor and remember those we have lost over the last year, please send the names of those who entered into eternity over the past year to the office as soon as possible by email or leave a voicemail, or you may write a note and put it in the offering plate. In addition, this year we would appreciate a photo of your loved one that we could copy (then return) and utilize on screen during the remembrance portion of the service. Please submit all names and photos to the office by October 20th.

Our annual Church/Charge Conference will be on Sunday, November 3rd at 2:30pm. SPRC will meet at 2:00pm. All are welcome and encouraged to come and join in this important all church meeting. All reports are due to the office by October 13th.

FALL LUNCH & GAME TIME: The Hospitality Committee will be hosting their quarterly lunch/game time on Sunday, November 10th immediately after worship in Fellowship Hall. A sign-up sheet will magically appear on the Narthex table sometime in October. Please consider your contribution: appetizer or dessert. Bring your favorite card games and board games. Looking forward with much hope to a fun afternoon together. Direct your questions to Valerie Strache or Patricia Spring-Hodges.

Neat Repeats Resale Stores are looking for volunteers! Come and work in our stores with a boutique atmosphere. Share your compassion, talents, and time. Give five hours a week and make a difference in the lives of victims of domestic violence. Join the Neat Repeats team, develop new skills, and make a difference in your own community. All sales at Neat Repeats Resale benefit the clients served by the Crisis Center for South Suburbia, a non-profit domestic violence agency. For additional information, contact Michelle McCarthy (708)-429-7255 option #5 or [email protected]